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News Desk - Team Speak

Listen to the News Desk announcements using TeamSpeak Software.  (PC with with speakers required.)


        NOTE: After this install, please update by going to the Team Speak 2 Update page

  1. Set up the software by following the step by step screen-shots

    (click open or run)

    Installation portion complete and Teamspeak will launch.  

  2. Follow these steps to connect to the Hold Brothers New Strike Server:

    Right click and select "Add Server"

  3. Then enter the following information to connect the client to the News Strike server:

    Label = NewStrike
    Server Address = NEWS.HOLD.COM
    Nickname = enter your last name followed by your first name
    Registered radio button must be selected.
    Login Name = the login ID provided by Hold Brothers
    User Password = the password provided by Hold Brothers

    (all the above fields are required, the software will not work otherwise)

  4. Once you click connect you will hear an acknowledgement that you have properly connected. (Link engaged)


Turning Off Notifications (to disable user engaged, disengaged announcements)
  1. If you'd like to turn off all notifications follow these steps:

    Then select the Sound Notifications tab and click on Disable all sounds.

Installation complete.











Call Support 646-745-2122 if you need help or have any questions